
宾州大学公园. 4月,欧博体育官网图书馆向几乎所有欧博体育官网本科校区的学生颁发了“欧博官网app下载素养优秀奖”, 表彰97名本科生和8名研究生参加各自的校园研究展览活动.

“本科生研究奖是图书馆表彰优秀本科生学术交流的一种方式,海莉·法戈说, 学生参与图书管理员和奖励计划协调员. “我们在英联邦各地的展览使我们能够找到并庆祝那些能够告诉我们他们所有研究过程的学生, 认识到他们在学术对话中的作用, 或者了解他们通过欧博体育官网获得资源的能力.”

欧博体育官网在大学公园校区举办的年度本科展览欢迎来自所有校区的学生参加. 大学图书馆的教师图书馆员创造并展示了图书馆的 本科生研究奖, 以前被称为欧博官网app下载素养奖, 表彰那些学生参与者,他们的原创学术作品展示了使用原始资源进行仔细的背景研究, 或相关研究领域的参考书目或文献综述. 

In 2018, 欧博体育官网19个联邦校区中的17个校区的大学图书馆教师馆员合作制定了一套统一的评判和学习成果标准,并在全校范围内扩大了奖励计划. 今年, 该项目授予欧博体育官网20个本科学位授予校区中的19个校区的学生, 包括大学公园校区. 


  • 欧博官网app下载研究过程与策略;
  • 获取欧博官网app下载时的社会、伦理或经济考虑;
  • 收集到的背景欧博官网app下载与项目方向的关系; 
  • 任何引用的信用和适当的引用, 表, 图, photo图 and other content used in the poster that are not the student’s own work; and
  • 在海报的篇幅允许的情况下,说明所使用的关键来源.

“我们很高兴在今年春天的颁奖活动中又增加了几所学校,法戈说. “很高兴看到我们的奖项的影响扩大到100多名学生,并让我们更多地了解欧博体育官网学生如何在我们所有校园进行研究.”


Awards are unranked; honorees are listed in alphabetical order:

——杰基·博尔顿, senior life science major; Zelnetta Clark, senior psychological and social sciences major; Amira Spikes, junior environmental health and safety engineering major; and Visalakshi Vaithianathan, first-year biology major; “Another (Wo)man’s Trash…”

——Kenjiro Lay和Jung Eun Park, sophomore aerospace engineering majors; “Design, “三角翼”空潜航器的研制与试验

—  Adriana Vagelli, senior biology major; “Who was Thomas Weir?”

——克里斯汀·格尔沙伊德, 查尔斯横过, Richard Satira和Brittany Umstead, senior nursing majors; “A High Hope for Veterans: Medicinal Marijuana and the Treatment of PTSD” 

——亚历克斯·迪特里, 通信专业, 阿列克谢·斯特恩, senior communications major; “Parenting Styles, 旁观者干预, 媒体曝光和13个原因第一名

—  Emily Orlowski, junior biology major; “Impact of Zinc on Dicentra eximia,“第二名——并列 

——乔纳·萨利, senior biology major; “Stomal Density and Transpiration Efficiency in Arabidopsis Mutants,“第二名——并列 

——安东尼·帕帕斯, 通信专业; “How Young Adults View Older Adults on Facebook,荣誉奖

——亚历山德拉·鲁道夫, senior biology major; “A Study of Transcription Factors in Arabidipsis thaliana using β-Glucuronidase Reporter System,荣誉奖

——Karl Truskowski和Matylda Zamudio, 通信专业s; “You Play Like a Girl: 性别 Bias and Public Perception of Women's College Basketball,荣誉奖

——迪伦·朗格斯特, fall 2018 mathematics alumnus; “Theory, 经典超几何正交多项式序列Sheffer和Jacobi的方法及应用第一名

——汉娜·卡里诺, senior marketing and business economics dual major; “Increasing Efficiency with Northwestern PA Trade Partners by Identifying Comparative Advantage,”亚军

Awards are unranked; honorees are listed in alphabetical order:

——梅丽莎·巴克特, 高级理科专业, 和约书亚·普莱斯, senior biology major; “Isolation of Pathogenic Microbial Communities Identified in the Blue Marsh Watershed”

——汉娜·法斯宾德, 大三传播艺术与科学专业, 和泽维尔·斯威尼, senior communication arts and sciences major; paper presentation: “Kpop for a new generation: The impact of BTS and their mental health representation”

——扎克·戈德温, senior professional writing major; paper presentation: “The Rhetorical Persona — Reclaiming Plato in the Dramatic Conversation”

——麦迪逊·沃伊乔沃斯基, junior mechanical engineering major; “The Use of Advanced Additive Manufacturing Techniques to Design, 优化, 描述一种矫形支撑” 

——克里斯蒂娜·彭蒂梅尔, 大四心理学专业; “Positive Growth in Life: Reactions to Stressful, 具有挑战性的, 或创伤性生活事件,一等荣誉 

— Adi Yom-Tov, junior business major; “The History of Chocolate,一等荣誉 

——Victor Ficarra, junior engineering major; “Irish Study Abroad: Prospects for Multinational Firms Investing in Ireland,荣誉奖 

——贾斯珀·弗林特, 大四心理学专业; “Trans and 性别 Nonconforming Individuals’ Community Support, 弹性 & 《欧博体育官网》,荣誉奖

——Brandon Demchak, sophomore human development and family studies major; “How Does SES Influence Parenting, 包括依恋类型和虐待?第一名

——贾马尔·迪兹, senior physical therapist assistant major; “Physical Therapist Assistant Program Practices to Enhance Student Diversity,第二名

——雷切尔·哈特利, 大四心理学专业, 卡特琳·米勒, junior psychology major; “The Impact of Motivation and Procrastination on Academic Performance,第三名

——阮黎, first-year finance major; “Discourse and the Use of Language in Coetzee's 'Waiting for the Barbarians,一等奖

——亚当·斯密, senior biobehavioral health major; “Effect of HSV-1 Status on Odor Identification,"一等奖"

——玛丽亚·柯德尔, sophomore finance major; “PEST Analysis: American Eagle Outfitters in Puerto Rico,荣誉奖

——哈利·斯奈德, sophomore psychology major; “Students' Mental Health and Teacher Positions,荣誉奖



——劳拉·菲利克斯, junior biology major; “Development and Analysis of Nanobubble Encapsulated ICG for Photoacoustic Imaging and Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer第一名

——朱俊春, 高级理科专业; “12-LOX as A Target for Dual Antiplatelet Therapy and Its Mechanism,第二名

——塔拉·赖斯, 大四心理学专业; “Women and Reentry: An Evaluation of 宾西法尼亚 Reentry Services for Women,第三名

——Lisa Witmer, senior biology major; “Methods to Improve the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Rates in Rural 宾西法尼亚,荣誉奖

——约翰·平托, 高级土木工程专业, first author; Owen Schaeffer, sophomore civil engineering major; Morgan Will, junior civil engineering major; Tatiana Dominguez, graduate student studying environmental engineering; Rizki Prasetyaningtas, graduate student studying environmental pollution control; Saskia Putri, graduate student studying environmental pollution control; and Cory White, graduate student studying environmental engineering; combined project: “Pilot UASB Reactor for Nursery Supplies Inc. 废水,"荣誉奖


- Rizki Prasetyaningtas和Saskia Putri, graduate students studying environmental pollution control; “Fruit Peels as Natural Adsorbents to Remove Hexavalent Chromium (CR6+) from Synthetic Textile Water第一名

——英格丽德·莫拉莱斯-拉米雷斯, graduate student studying applied clinical psychology; “Racial/Ethnic Influences on Different Prayer Types and Disclosures to God,第二名

——瑞秋·斯莫林斯基, graduate student studying environmental engineering; “Riparian zone vegetation and improvement of stream water quality in an agriculturally dominated watershed,第三名

——弗雷德·卡里尔斯, graduate student studying applied behavior analysis; “Increasing Vegetable Consumption among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using a Group-Oriented Intervention,荣誉奖

——亚历克西斯·马齐, graduate student studying criminal justice; “Digital Punishment: An Examination of Police Agency Websites In 宾西法尼亚,荣誉奖

— Emily Madsen, first-year film and video major; “Dissection of the Male Gaze第一名

——克里斯蒂·布里默, sophomore medical laboratory technology major; “Susceptibility Testing of Lactobacillus Species in Probiotic Dietary Supplement Capsules,第二名

——肯德拉·博伊尔, sophomore environmental resource management major; “Water Quality Investigation of Two Acid Mine Drainage Impaired Streams,第三名

——伊莎贝拉·汉娜, sophomore health policy and administration major; Erica Hughes, 高级卫生政策与管理专业; Jermaine Jones, sophomore health policy and administration major; and Kelly McNally, junior health policy and administration major; “‘Too Many People are Dying Where I am From’: Geography, 性别, 以及阿片类药物流行的二次暴露第一名

——Rana Moawad, sophomore biochemistry major; “Examination of Fast Food Advertisement: A Focus on the Obesity Epidemic and Medical Costs in the United States,第二名

——布莱恩·珀奇, 高级卫生政策与管理专业, 妮科尔塞, junior health policy and administration major; “Atul Gawande’s Chance to Improve American Healthcare,第三名

Awards are unranked; honorees are listed in alphabetical order:

——乔丹·格林和马洛里·赛普斯, junior nursing majors; “Immune System Effects of Humira Compared to Orencia in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis”

-麦肯西·哈特索克和达拉·斯托弗, junior nursing majors; “Interventions and Outcomes During Planned Hospital Births as Compared to Planned 首页 Births”

Awards are unranked, with up to 10 given annually; honorees are listed in alphabetical order:

— Tyler Campbell, junior psychology major; “Recall: Can It Really Change With Your Emotion?”

——海莉·迪昆, first-year psychology major; “The Role of Age, 照明条件, 比赛, 和目击证人鉴定中的酒精中毒"

— Carly Duncan, junior biobehavioral health major; “Opioid Misuse in Rural Areas vs. 市区和郊区”

——凯文·利辛格, sophomore mechanical engineering major; “Determination of Glass Transition Temperature of Various Polymers”

— Kylie Meyer, first-year psychology major; “Effects and Treatments of Bipolar Disorder”

— Makayla Shank junior psychology major; “Information Recall Following an Online and Traditional Lecture”

——艾伦·史密斯, sophomore electro-mechanical engineering technology major; “3D Printing and an Object's Center of Gravity”

— Savannah Smith, 大四心理学专业; “Correlates of Compulsive Buying”

——卡桑德拉·文斯, senior corporate communication major; “A Rhetorical Analysis of Burkean Identification in Kash Jackson's Libertarian Ballot Acceptance Speech第一名

——科琳·埃利斯, first-year Division of Undergraduate Studies student; “"Razzle Dazzle 'Em": A Rhetorical Analysis of Erving Groffman's Framework Theory in Chicago the Musical,”亚军



——杰西卡·达夫, 高级的信件, arts and sciences major; “The Assassination of Julius Caesar第一名

— Nick Kremp, senior biology major; “Can we Talk to Plants? 害羞植物(含羞草)对声音的敏感性,”亚军

——夏安·塔塞尔, senior biology major; “Chronic Wasting Disease: The History, 风险与管理,”亚军


— Jenifer Walters, senior English major; “What About the Women? 《欧博官网app下载》,第一名

——杰西卡·达夫, 高级的信件, arts and sciences major; “Kynde in Terms of Identity,”亚军

— Russell Filip, senior English major; “Gatsby: The Great American Fraud,”亚军

Awards are unranked; honorees are listed in alphabetical order:

——史蒂芬·弗劳尔, first-year business and communication major; “Social Media Knowledge Sharing: Key Challenges for Intercultural Communication Competence and Global Negotiation Success”

— Kimberly Reiter, first-year nursing major; “Crohn's disease and the Heart”

— Megan Wilt, junior administration of justice major; “Oxycontin and the Opioid Epidemic”

——凯勒·福克, junior microbiology major; “Identifying Drug-Drug Interactions Between Experimental Antimalarials,老约翰. 和Kimlyn Patishnock大奖

——布雷迪·霍兹, senior biomedical engineering major; “Effects of elevated beat rate on the hemodynamics of the Penn State pediatric ventricular assist device第一名

-斯特凡·霍加斯, senior security and risk analysis major; “Virtual Teams Review: An Exploration of the Multifaceted Nature of Team Virtuality,第二名

——玛丽莎·范妮斯, senior international politics major; “Women's Protest and Health in the International Sphere,第三名.

——汉娜·格里芬, senior Italian and psychology dual major; “Influences of Italian Colonial Media on Perceptions of Immigrants Today,荣誉奖

——库沙格拉·库马尔, junior biochemistry and molecular biology major; “Testing Potential Inhibitors of the Sigma E Pathway in Escherichia Coli,荣誉奖

——佩顿·卢米斯, Altoona junior environmental science major; Kristin Newvine, Altoona junior history major; “Princesses and Princessing: The Sociology of Making Magic,荣誉奖

——腓力。撒迦利亚, senior biology major; “A Fly on the Wall: Bridging the Gap Between Penn State Research Laboratories and the Student Community,荣誉奖

——伊丽莎白·巴图斯卡, sophomore biological engineering major; Natalie Gruver, first-year biomedical engineering major; and Alia Mazzatosta, sophomore veterinary and biomedical sciences major; “Decomposition of Coral Reefs,"自然科学分区冠军

——Kyle Gurzynski, first-year engineering major; “Does social media enhance Leonfestinger’s social comparison theory,欧博官网app下载素养的总冠军

——Sehara Rowles, sophomore Division of Undergraduate Studies major; “Human Trafficking within the United States,"社会科学分区冠军

——麦迪逊·塞维库尔, junior administration of justice major; “Sylvia Plath’s Depression,"人文学科分区冠军 

——乔纳森·谢伊, senior IST major; “欧博体育官网威尔克斯-巴雷分校 Blue Screen Mobile,"应用科学部冠军

— Karley Richard, 大四心理学专业; “性别 Differences in Romantic Rejection第一名

——米尔塔·卡斯韦尔, junior psychology and human development and family studies dual major; “Strategies to Promote Healthy Eating Among Young Children,第二名

-凯瑟琳·布鲁斯, junior biology major; “Sexual Size Dimorphism in the Common House Spider, Parasteatoda tepidariorum,第三名.

有关大学图书馆本科生研究奖:卓越欧博官网app下载素养的更多欧博官网app下载, 访问 其网站上 或致电法戈 (电子邮件保护) or 814-865-1850.